Wednesday, July 30, 2008

mission - just a positive thinking

During our summer vacations, we used to travel to our uncle's home in Vellore. There in his living room was a painting with 2 little birds flying in a very high altitude. It was a very scenic painting to see. More than the painting itself what got my father's attention was what written at bottom of the painting.

It said - ' they fly because they think they can'. if i could rephrase it for the title. ' they fly because they positively think they can.'

gentlemen and ladies, if there is a goal that you want to achieve in life, i think there are only 3 things you got to follow.
  1. you need to have a positive thinking.
  2. got to visualize the prize/joy set before you to endure the cross.
  3. throw away your worries.

All these steps are very simple and self explanatory. Let me try to explain.

  • +tive thinking: There are 2 type of people talking to you all the time. One talking good things and another talking bad things. One will take you to good places and another take to bad places. Or to say it different- there are 2 line of thoughts that runs your mind all the time. One towards positive side and another towards negative side. for example- if you find a man hurt in a car accident on your commute to work. one thought will say- go and help that person. another says don't do it because you will hurt yourself by doing it. My advice to you is to listen to the positive side. You may like to try your entrepreneurship skills. Some will say don't try it because it will hurt you and others will ask you to try it because you will have many to gain from it. it is better to listen to positive side of it.
  • visualize the prize set before you : If you want to be a Olympic athlete, you got to visualize being one. That is when you can do those strenuous workout. If it takes to sleep only 3 hours a day to be a CEO of GE, you can never be able to do it if you don't visualize yourself being the CEO. there will be days where you will not be allowed to eat what you want to eat if you want to be a world class athlete. (check out the word athlete. it comes from athle-a Greek meaning contend for a prize.)
  • Don't worry: When you want to be somebody, there will be many who will hate you. if you have little success they will hate you even more. they will hate you for the color of your skin. they will hate you for the belief that you have. they will hate you for the language that you speak. they will hate you when you walk in and they will hate you when you walk out. when something bad happens they say he deserves it. they want to kill you with their words, actions, and influence. There is nothings you can do about it. you write those in a paper and crush it to throw it in trash. if you struggle in throwing it to trash, you can give it to my son. he knows how to throw it.

2nd and 3rd are just the first point of positive thinking. 2nd is a motivation to listen for positive ideas or thoughts. 3rd point is the reason not to listen to negative thoughts or persons.

All is nothing but positive thinking. There must be some cynic out here thinking, samuel - life is not that simple. let me tell you this. this world is not about wise men. this world is not about rich men. this world is not about the mighty men. it is about you. it is about you believing in the dream. then you get to be the strong, rich, and wise men. then you get to be the 2 little birds flying in that high heights.
